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Amro Dawabsheh

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yesterday when i was playing cs1.6 at your server one of the admins ask me to upload photos and he tried to explain how to upload these photos, but i couldn't  find the location of these photos and i tell him that i don't know how to find & upload these photos, unfortunately he ban me and ask me to go to your website and send a complaint. is there any video explaining how to find these photos in order to verify that i am not using any kind of hacking and unfair gameplay ? Thanks in Advance

This is  the message i got yesterday:
Ban Information 
Name: amroooooooooooooooo 
Reason: noss 
Unban Time: Permanent Ban 
Admin Name: SeNsLeSs 
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:814760817 
If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information to our website: 



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