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[Stiri IT] Can Elon Musk lift Jordan Peterson's ban for using the name Elliot Page gave up?


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What Twitter just did to Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin is one of the main reasons Elon Musk decided to buy the platform in the first place. In his opinion, people should have the right to express their opinion without being punished for it, as long as it does not break the law. Although hate speech is not punishable by law, it is still a horrible practice.

Jordan Peterson 's decision not to respect Elliot Page 's wishes not to be called by his former name is wrong, but Musk believes it is his right to do so. Elliot Page is also entitled to completely ignore Jordan Paterson's actions, which is what he continues to do at this point. Page is unlikely to respond to this narrative because he would be acknowledging the troll that Jordan Peterson is and all the rest.

Elon Musk seeks to end the controversy on Twitter.



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