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[Stiri] Henry Kissinger: Divisive diplomat who shaped world affairs


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Henry Kissinger - who has died, aged 100, at his Connecticut home - divided opinion.

A committed practitioner of "realism" in foreign relations, he was both awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and roundly condemned as a war criminal.

As US National Security Adviser and Secretary of State, he energetically pursued the policy of détente - which thawed relations with the Soviet Union and China.

His shuttle diplomacy helped end the 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict; and the negotiation of the Paris Peace Accords pulled America out of its long nightmare in Vietnam.

But what his supporters described as "Realpolitik", his critics condemned as immoral.

He was accused of - at the very least - tacit support for the bloody coup that overturned a leftist government in Chile, and of turning a blind eye to the Argentinean military's "dirty war" against its people.

On hearing that Kissinger had been awarded the Nobel Prize, the comedian Tom Lehrer famously declared that "political satire is obsolete".

Henry Kissinger



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